Find a sheet of paper; let's make a zine together right now! #zines #DIY #Comics
Find a sheet of paper; let's make a zine together right now! #zines #DIY #Comics
I glued the bubinga fingerboard to the #bass neck this afternoon. The hard maple neck is reinforced with 2 (probably overkill) carbon fiber rods and a truss rod. Inlays and side markers are Total Boat #epoxy with Black Diamond Pigments for the blue/green color. Now on to the body. #maker #pghmaker #diy #wood #woodworking #clampchamp #bassguitar #luthier #empireofdust
That didn't last long. Bought a (Chinese) replacement pack instead of cells for the Dyson vacuum last time, because cells come by ship which takes 3 months and we needed to vacuum.
They were crap of course and are dying already. This time I'll just get cells and maybe I can find where I left the original pack with the original BMS so I don't have to use this one.
Currently using a Synology DS916+. It works well for what it does, and has a nice photo app on it. But I can't do all the things I want on it. So... starting to look to do DIY.
I get hung up on, cpu/machine to use, disk storage and backups.
I currently have a mix of WD drives from 2TB up to 10TB. Probably about 20 drives sitting around.
Does anyone have a place that has guides and recommended hardware suggestions? I've seen some links in the past, which I didn't keep :(
I kept doing sewing tests and eventually closed up this "thing” even though none of the test panels match. It's a floppy, sad test bag.
* I'm still pretty horrible at sewing
* come up with firmer liner and/or stiffening material
* sewing machine doesn't like thick stuff (i.e. zipper gusset)
* should pin/clamp more things together before sewing
It won't be using velcro except for one onto seat tube. Top and down tube have threaded holes that bag will bolt to using 3d print panels, also stiffening that part of bag.
22 year old Maytag fridge door stopped closing properly. Closer inspection showed bottom bushing warn out. We managed to prop up the bottom door with 2 2x4s, remove the bottom pin, and make 2 new nylon washers out of 2 old printer gears we had saved away. New washers in place, white grease, and door closes like new. Because the freezer door relies on the fridge door for support, it too now closes like new.
Testing and learning with scraps. There's a lot to juggle, first attempt at this I had one piece facing the wrong way so I ripped out the seam and started over. Next test a little better, but liner seam location is wrong, thus the extra visible seam. Next up I ironed things, which really helped, and used thicker liner material. Going to dig up an old zipper for more practice.
Ok, hear me out, what if I didn't buy purpose built fabric for the bike's frame bag??
Welche Inhalte sollte ein #Steckersolar Selber Machen Magazin haben? Wir freuen uns auf eure Kommentare und Hinweise - soll aber nur 20 DIN A4 Seiten lang sein!
hier gibts doch bestimmt ne #diy #keyboard bubble - hat jemand nen tipp, obs irgendwo choc keycaps mit iso layout gibt? also, so ne enter taste hauptsächlich.
#MechanicalKeyboard #SplitMechanicalKeyboard
On to the fingerboard for the #Bass project. Made from a piece of Bubinga I’ve had for many years with Total Boat epoxy inlays, I’m installing the frets here using my drill press and an eBay fret press caul. The frets are precut and radiused from Bitter Root Guitars. #maker #pghmaker #diy #luthier #bassguitar #wood #woodworking #cnc #empireofdust
Hey Fediverse, endlich stelle ich mich mal vor. #neuhier
Bin durch den #38C3 hier gelandet. Ich interessiere mich für Datenschutz, DIY, fürs Klima und kollektive Organisationsformen.
Empfehlt mir gerne Accounts die mir gefallen könnten. Und hat wer Tipps für gute #meme Accounts auf Mastodon?
#diy #queer #climatecrisis #161
Auch in #Denzlingen gibt es ein Workshops Angebot - obwohl die Stadt schon voller #Stecerksolar Geräte ist.
Unsere Mitglieder tragen die #BalkonSolar Zeitung aus und machen Bilder von #Solar im #Garten oder am #Balkon!
Angebote 4.-7.4. jeweils ab 16:00
Ich hab eine Pfaff Creative 7570 geerbt mit allerlei Stickzubehör. Gibt es eine Bubble, die solche Nähmaschinen in Kombination mit aktuellen Computern verbindet und wo finde ich diese Bubble? #nähmaschine #diy #maker #sticken #nähen
Oman polkupyörän sähköistäminen – osa 1 – onko järkee vai ei
Sähköpyörät ovat vallanneet kaupunkien ja maaseudun pyörätiet, ja niiden suosiolle on syynsä. Mutta mitä tehdä, jos omistat jo laadukkaan polkupyörän etkä halua sijoittaa tuhansia euroja uuteen sähköiseen versioon? Ratkaisu on sähköpyörän konversiosarja – kätevä tapa muuttaa rakas vanha sotaratsu sähköavusteiseksi kulkupeliksi. Mutta onko tämä todella niin fiksu idea kuin miltä se kuulostaa? Käydäänpä asiaa läpi. Artikkelin ensimmäisessä osassa […]
Ein Schrank für den #3DDrucker und ein Holzlager sind schon eine merkwürdige Kombination...
#3dprinting #3ddruck #diy #holzwerken
okay, cleaned up the surrounding code, added some #ui gimmicks, and next thing to do will be saving files - for real for real.
big milestone given #tek still can't! i'll post a proper screencast, too, to showcase the improved #tui and the general workflow.
building a tool for preparing releases (not to mention that whole #diy #daw thing) instead of making music ... what is wrong with me ... smh. #xkcd 1205 comes to mind...
Darf ich vorstellen: Fusilli-Pus das kleine Fidget Oktopus das sich in jeder Tasche wohl fühlt.
the entire rack unit is ready for the next few steps: making the mounting thingies for the actual devices
i'll first prioritize making the mounts for the file server and its harddrives, because then i can finally start migrating all of my files and stop paying my cloud subscription