When deciding whom to vote* for during the German elections, I stumbled upon interviews with local candidates and people on the streets by the regional public broadcaster. Utterly depressing.
AfD (far right) candidate: “The people aren’t being listed to!”
Voter: “The AfD cares about the people’s concerns!”
Voter2: “They don’t share my values, I will not vote for them”.
That was it. Yes, it was that general. No actual insight into what those concerns are (and how the parties aim to solve them). No context, no mention of the AfD’s distaste for democracy and desire to revoke constitutional rights. Each party got the same superficial treatment in that broadcast - fair, yes, and utterly in denial of the risk that comes from normalising the AfD.
*We get two votes, which both shape the parliament: a first-past-the-post vote for a representative from our district and a proportional vote. I live abroad, but still get assigned to a district - so I had to do some research on the local candidates.