#adazangemann #zangemann
Done painting the Ada figure for the #Toniebox
There is a chip from a dismantled Creative Tonie inside so it can be used to listen to the audio book of Ada and Zangemann
#adazangemann #zangemann
Done painting the Ada figure for the #Toniebox
There is a chip from a dismantled Creative Tonie inside so it can be used to listen to the audio book of Ada and Zangemann
Ada & Zangemann - Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis
@kirschner I came up with a Music Blocks program to demonstrate Ada & Zangemann. WDYT?
I'm reading it for my son's class in a couple of days, and thought this would be a fun activity to do at the end. I'll work with the kids to remix the code as well, inviting them to exercise some freedoms.
[remix] Ce professeur de mathématiques de l'académie de Nantes a fait dessiner le portrait d'Ada à ses élèves dans le cadre d'une activité pédagogique.
On notera dans l'en-tête du document distribué aux élèves : "Activité développée avec les langages C / LaTeX sur un système Debian GNU/Linux".
Ainsi que la mention explicite de la licence Creative Commons CC-BY-SA en bas de page.
Ada & Zangemann, libro per "bambini di tutte le età" che ho calorosamente raccomandato con una quote di supporto qui: https://fsfe.org/activities/ada-zangemann/book-reviews.en.html , è ora disponibile anche in Italiano, tradotto da Luca Bonissi, in modalità print-on-demand qua: https://www.lulu.com/shop/matthias-kirschner-and-sandra-brandst%C3%A4tter-and-luca-bonissi/ada-zangemann-una-fiaba-che-parla-di-software-skateboard-e-gelato-al-lampone/hardcover/product-2m2gvqw.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Buona lettura!
Which is why I've been more than happy to provide a support quote for the book:
« At the end of the book, the eyes of my 6-year old child gleamed with joy at the idea of a liberated, now almighty ice cream machine. Such is the spark that Ada & Zangemann can ignite in children of all ages. We need young generations to share Ada's enthusiasm, in order to take back control of everyday technology. »
It is in very good company at https://fsfe.org/activities/ada-zangemann/book-reviews.en.html
Ada & Zangemann https://fsfe.org/activities/ada-zangemann/ is an amazing book that explain well software freedom go children of all age. Check-it out, especially (but not only!) if you are in touch with kids. #AdaZangemann #FreeSoftware