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What do you want for the next article in my #blog?

- Correct configuration of #GitLabRunner caching on local filesystem
- Building a #OCI image #mirror with #GitLabCI and #Renovate
- Batch configuration of #GitLab's new automatic #pipeline cleanup
- Migrating a #Nextcloud from #MariaDB to #PostgreSQL
- Prefer #IPv6 with #musl under #Docker's IPv6 #NAT
- Renovate: update indirect #dependencies of #golang projects

Please tell it via comments, as a poll is only allowing 4 different options. :)

Upscene releases new version Advanced Data Generator.

A fast test-data generator tool that comes with a library of real-life data, can generate data to your database, script or data files.

Feature highlights:
- Data library to generate life-like fake date, also non-English
- Supports binary data
- Master/detail functionality
- Statistical data
- Templates

#testdatagenerator #testdata #fakedata #oracle #sqlserver #mysql #firebird #postgresql #sqlite #access #interbase

In 2024, the Data Bene team traveled to, presented at, & sponsored a number of #PostgreSQL community events, as well as started a blog, began a podcast in collaboration with Xata, and contributed back to #OpenSource.

Curious to know the details and see what we learned as a result of our experiences? Check out our new #Substack (free to subscribe) to see our recap for the year:

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Happy to see it finally arrived you - just in time - and I’m really happy to share the big news: We - as #credativ - are an independent company again after having a great time of two years at #NetApp (and also as being NetApp).

#OpenSource continuous, it was, is and will always be our passion which almost every mate in our company represents (as s #Debian, #Ubuntu, #PostgreSQL, #Ansible, #GardenLinux, #ProxLB, #OpenStack and many other tools as developer, maintainer and contributor) which clearly shows the passion of every one - not only during the business times but also in the spare time and the commitment into opensource.

See also:

@stefano @credativde

credativ® · credativ wieder ein eigenständiges UnternehmenAb dem 1. März 2025 wird der Mönchengladbacher Open-Source-Spezialist credativ IT Services GmbH wieder als eigenständiges Unternehmen am Markt agieren. Im Mai 2022 wurde die credativ GmbH von NetApp übernommen und zum 1. Februar 2023 in die NetApp Deutschland GmbH integriert. Durch diesen Schritt konnte das Unternehmen auf umfangreiche Erfahrungen und eine breitere Ressourcenbasis zurückgreifen. […]

This has been pretty successful week in my #selfhosting journey. I got #postgresql running early in the week. I then made my own personal database to play with and got databases running for #freshrss, #redmine, #vikunja, and finally #forgejo. Once I was happy with the setup I did pg_dumpall because I know today I'll probably get over confident and break something. First thing I'm going to do this morning is setup another postgresql #docker and make sure I understand how to import pg_dumpall.

For years I've only queried databases. Setting these up and seeing the data behind the applications has been lot of fun! The access to this data makes me highly motivated to use it in my own ways such as populating my personal database with various stats and then learning Python and Flask to build simple tools for myself.