ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst.
Der Mastodon-Server von und für Heise Medien und insb. die Nachrichten von heise online.


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Martin Holland

In the @newyorktimes: 👏🏼

" has also led to a wave of start-up efforts such as , a microblogging service that now has more than 14 million accounts connected by a network of over 14,000 host computers, as well as start-ups like and , distributed services that offer features similar to and ."

A Long-Shot Bet to Bypass the Middlemen of

The New York Times · Facing the Looming Threat of A.I., Publishers Turn to Decentralized PlatformsVon John Markoff

@mho @newyorktimes @eibart if all you’ve got is a hammer everything looks like a “start-up” 🙄

@zeank @openrisk @mho @newyorktimes @eibart

TIL from the NYT that:

* a "significant potential[s] of the open social web" is " 'contextual' advertising to particular interests rather than individuals"

* Pixelfed and PeerTube are "start-ups"

We should keep an eye on the share prices and trading volumes of Mastodon, Pixelfed and PeerTube on the NY Stock Exchange.

@mho @newyorktimes Völlig offtopic: Wofür ist eigentlich dieser Baseballschläger, der da am Schreibtisch lehnt 😎 ?