#DerStandard, one of austria's largest newspapers is ("for the time being") shutting down the #Twitter-account for it's Web- and IT-news, despite it having 120.000 Followers, because "Traffic is too minimal" and the "expenditure is too big in relation to the ressources".
That's a different reasoning than #NPR, #PBS and #AmericanPublicMedia, but it fits to my experience. And @web is already on #Mastodon, even its own #instance.
@RyunosukeKusanagi @web But why would one doubt that? That #Twitter doesn't generate much #traffic (at least in the german speaking world) is not new, and I have also written about it:
I don't know, how automated their account was and how much work they had, but I have no reason to doubt the little-traffic-thing..