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Der Mastodon-Server von und für Heise Medien und insb. die Nachrichten von heise online.


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Martin Holland

So, I just tested it on (with version 4.3.0. already active) and the next big update fixes the preview-bug cutting the URL-parameter. That's very good, but it takes sooo long, to get the update.

Is there any news on the timetable @renchap @Gargron? I raised this issue in october, which was like so long ago 😉

Long story short, when will 4.3.0. roll out?

But now it comes: I just now realized, that people on already see the whole URL in the preview-cards from @heiseonline. That means, that for about a fourth of our followers ( we see, when they click on them.

If I extrapolate from the notable uptick in january, it seems to show, that brings in as much as / . Can't wait to prove that, when 4.3.0. rolls out.

@mho We want to have grouped notifications in 4.3 and we are working on it. Once done we will publish the first beta.

We are still very shortstaffed and everything takes a lot more time that we would like 😞


Thanks for the info, and sorry for always coming back to this.

I don't think, that you would recommend switching on the nightly-update fpr, or do you? After all, the biggest instance runs on it.

@mho I would not advise it right now, as it requires you to follow the latest commits to ensure there are no special migration steps required.

But once you release 4.3.0-beta1 it should be all good to switch to it.