Now that the #Fediverse grows and grows, I'm more and more convinced, that the best way to access it, doesn't yet exist. There is no way of really experiencing the diversity right now.
But what would such an #FediverseApp need?
- different tabs for different media types (microblog, longform etc.)
- show content more like how it looks, where it's from (#Pixelfed, #Lemmy etc.)
- when posting content support all the features of the platform, you're posting on
What else?
That's building on this idea:
evolving as a bunch of decentralized alternatives to the closed platforms, we are clones of what already exists. we are better in lots of ways due to decentralization, but obviously worse because that makes us a bit harder to use and there's less content due to less users.
what we haven't really explored yet is taking advantage of our strengths. taking advantage of the mashup opportunities and designing toward the type of user instead of service. apps with AP but for journalists or govt.
@mho I don't need a "super-app" … i like the idea that each service has its strengths and weaknesses, so have the apps we are using for them.
@mho Probably also needs cross-protocol support
Also with you that we havent really seen the next generation style of possibilities yet that fedi enables
There is also the problem of more frequent posters usually drown out less frequent posters on the home timeline, which makes it quite difficult to find a balance between fun and interesting. (I have unfollowed people, not because I don’t like them or their post, but because they posted way too much for my timeline).
Some kind of mechanism that allows rate limiting/collapsing posts from accounts/hashtags that generate a lot of posts (Usually one follows them for fun) and highlighting posts (maybe a slow-post timeline?) from people that only post once in a blue moon (that one likely follows because they are interesting, but misses because of timezone etc.).
Problem is that those aren’t a binary either or, but have a very fuzzy border, a lot in between with things moving around (hashtags becoming popular and declining again, people who post in bursts like I do) isn't that kbin lol
@mho The thinking in apps is narrowing down your view.
Instead we would first need a way to query which activities are supported (fedi devs are working on this) and then UI/UX that can adapt to each type.
Android can dynamically create these. Haven't looked into iOS.
the best way to access it, doesn't yet exist.
I'd say that's a feature, not a problem. Even with Mastodon being the biggest platform out there, there's still diversity in areas of features and approaches. An app that would support all would either be limited by the lowest common denominator, or horridly complex to handle all the various differences and edge cases.
There's a few apps that support each platform paradigm, and I'd say that's a good situation.
@mho Ability to see who has liked one of my posts. Some are hidden on mysterious servers.
@mho @erlend The main issue is search/discoverability. people expect to find accounts and content from a single search bar, without having to give any thought to where those things are located in the fediverse. They expect indexing of every word on the platform, whether it's hashtagged or not. I'm aware that indexing/search is controversial, but coming from other platforms, it's the thing I miss the most.
@mho still mostly missing good search and algorithmic discovery
@mho I like to read the local feeds of several instances I do not belong to. I have to keep separate browser tabs open to do that. It would be great to do that from within an app.
1) Support for me having multiple accounts on different servers and using them in one interface
2) meta-accounts: A way to aggregate received posts from multiple accounts (not all of my accounts though) into one and when posting using the meta account automatically posting to all contained real accounts