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Hallo liebe Leute in Nah und Fern!
Hallo liebe

Hier kommt die
#Playlist meiner heutigen Sendung auf #SchenklRadio:schenklradio:.

Das Motto der Sendung war "Ungespieltes aus meinem Katalog" - so kamen 26 Titel in die Playlist, wobei ich wie immer ein paar musikalische Dreingaben im Gepäck hatte. Über unseren Account auf
#Spotify ( könnt ihr die Titel mit leichten Abweichungen nachhören, hier kommt der Screenshot dazu.

Ich hoffe es hat euch wieder Freude bereitet. Die nächste Samstagsshow (Beginn etwas später um 21:00 Uhr) naht ja auch schon mit großen Schritten!

#Boost! 🙂

cc #SchenklRadio #Schallarchiv #Music

Antwortete Amici Is Me 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴

@amici it was hard for me to cancel Spotify after using it since March 2017 until October 2022. But I think it was a great decision.

After deleting Spotify, I started using Bandcamp. I like how it lets me support artists directly and own their music without any DRM bullshit. Not all artists are on Bandcamp, but many of my favorites where on Bandcamp, so it wasn't too bad switching for me.

I know it might be tough deleting Spotify, but rewarding in the end, well it was rewarding for me mowing away from a platform that pays the artist almost nothing.

Cancelled #Spotify. Going to try and "live" a month without paid music streaming services. Which is more difficult than it sounds like as I'm a major listener to a broad variety of music and artists.

Henceforth, where possible, I will buy the music I want from BandCamp. And where that's impossible, my last resort is streaming via YT.

For video game music, there's sometimes also the option of buying it on Steam I know.

Deleted my #spotify account and un-installed the app. I never subscribed and hadn't been using it for a while because the American free version might have more advertisements than music (the European versions aren't nearly as bad, or weren't as of 2022).
I installed Antenna Pod, a #FOSS podcast player and re-subscribed to the one podcast I'd been using Spotify to listen to (and then newly subscribed to a few others). And for music, it's going to be mp3s with VLC.

Spotify is literally hosting an Andrew Tate podcast on “how to recruit and exploit women for pornography.”

They were hosting three of them. Two were removed because of public pressure, but one remains. He literally should have no platform for any reason.

Please boycott Spotify until they end this. And contact them to let them know that he’s a repugnant pile of shit who needs to be punched in the face.

Antwortete im Thread


Wenn man es richtig machen will, dann müsste man auch auf dienste verzichten, die US clouddienste nutzen. Und dann fallen auch sehr viele deutsche dienste ins Raster.

Die Unternehmen müssen umdenken. Jeder, der eine #toniebox kauft, nutzt aws. Jeder, der #Spotify benutzt, nutzt die google cloud. Wer #lufthansa fliegt, nutzt aws. Big tech interessiert sich einen scheiss, wie ihr sucht

#unplugtrump geht nicht, ohne dass europäische Firmen umdenken und viel geld investieren.