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Der Mastodon-Server von und für Heise Medien und insb. die Nachrichten von heise online.


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You asked about bridging to Bluesky. I have done this and I think it's a good idea. Bluesky has a lot of users who post on interesting topics. I found a few I wanted to follow, so I bridged. You won't see most of the posts from Bluesky, only the ones that have bridged from their end and followed by someone here. Sometimes, though, you see an interesting post on Bluesky from someone who's not bridged, and then you can't reply to them.

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@Hermanni Kun seuraat bottia, postauksesi alkavat näkymään automaattisesti Blueskyssä. Tämän jälkeen kuitenkin kaikkien niiden, jotka postauksiasi seuraavat tulee seurataä tai muuten et näe heidän reaktioita Mastodonin puolella.

Itse kyllästyin sanomaan ihmisille, että seuratkaa bottia, joten otin koko toiminnon lopulta pois päältä. Seuraajista vain 1% tajusi seurata Mastodon-tiliä ja bottia Blueskyssa, joten ihan turha homma, kun ei ole kaikille oletuksena saatavilla.

#BridgyFed häsärin alta voi seurata lisää sillan kehittymistä. Pitkäänhän on ollut heillä pohdinnassa, että jos vaan sillattaisiin kaikki oletuksena kaikille, niin olisi helpompaa:

Bluesky SocialBridgy Fed for the fediverse ( Fed ( bot user for the fediverse. To bridge your Bluesky account to the fediverse, follow this account. To ask a fediverse user to bridge their account, send their address (eg @user@instance) to this account in a chat message.…
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@stedi @jjanhone @manna @samuelvasy Kyseessä on #BridgyFed, eli yhden ohjelmoijan @snarfed rakentama siltabotti, joka käytännössä tekee Fediversumiin siltakäyttäjiä (kuten esim. ja näin välittää viestit ja reaktiot palveluiden välillä. Bluesky ei siis itsessään ole millään Fediversumi yhteensopiva ja he itse asiassa alunperin tekivät tietoisen valinnan, että tekevät oman protokollan sen sijaan että satsaavat alan standardiin (ks. Tämä todennäköisesti siksi, koska haluavat kaupallisen alustan joka on omassa kontrollissa.

Bridgyfedin haaste on se, että se on hankala ei-nörttien tajuta laittaa päälle, se vaatii nimittäin suostumuksen, eli pitää osata seurata Bridgyfediä ja käyttäjää omassa palvelussaan. Tuhansista seuraajistani vain muutama siis näkyi Mastodonin puolella. Osan Blueskyssa kommentoijien kommentteja en ikinä nähnyt, koska heidän kommentit eivät siltautuneet Mastodoniin saakka, vaikka tilini näkyikin Blueskyssa - tämä siksi koska eivät tajunneet seurata bottia.

Kömpelö toteutus, joten poistin koko botin käytöstä omalta osaltani. Harmitti vaan sen puutteet. Sillä ei tavoita ketään.

Bridgyfedin kehittäjä parhaillaan pohtii laittaisiko sillan Blueskyssa kaikille vaan päälle suoraan (ks., koska Bluesky ei kysele muutenkaan suostumusta keneltäkään. Mastodon-yhteisöille suostumuksellisuus on kuitenkin kynnyskysymys, joten tämä(kään) silta ei tule toimimaan, jos se ei ole valtaosalle saatavilla.

Lisäksi sillassa on muitakin hankaluuksia: Pitkät viestit pätkiintyy ja boostaukset eivät välity niiden käyttäjien osalta, jotka eivät halua sisältöään sillattavan. Kokemus on siis vajavainen.

Eli toisin sanoin: Bluesky ei ole (eikä halua olla) osa Fediversumia. Olen sanonut tämän aiemminkin ja sanon taas: Bluesky larppaa hajautusta. Heillä on oma protokolla, jolla hajautus on mahdollista, mutta 99% käyttäjistä ei tiedä siitä tai ole siitä kiinnostunut. Twitter 2.0 jo syntyessään.

GitHubAlready a decentralized federated protocol · Issue #255 · bluesky-social/atprotoVon dmbr0
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1. Public posts are public. On both Bluesky and fedi.
2. Reply and follow are explicit interactions which require execution over the network.
3. Current implementation means I (you) won't be notified of those interactions from the other network by default.
@UlrikeHahn @judell

Can somebody hold my hand and guide me through following a #Bluesky account from Mastodon, using #BridgyFed? I'm already following bridgy and got a follow back from it, but I don't know how to proceed now. (I'm trying to follow Capital Weather Gang, without using a Bluesky account.)

I'm starting to get the feeling that the Fedi Mafia doesn't REALLY care about anything on Fedi, they're just bored as hell all the time and want to stir up some drama to giggle at.

I don't see harassing developers as something to giggle at, but with their consistent absolute ignorance of the platform and unwillingness to see how harassment is hurting the platform, I can't help but think they're just really bored assholes.

If it's useful to Fedi, they harass and threaten the developer so that others will talk about them. Because any attention is good attention to these assholes.

If it's not useful, they just ignore it and the project doesn't go anywhere cause it's not useful.🤦‍♂️

Ignore hate. Build useful Fedi tools.

Threats and harassment are ridiculous.


In the Fediverse, beyond Mastodon and similar platforms, you can also follow users from:

- Bluesky (search users with:
- Threads (search users with:
- X (search users with:
- Nostr (search users with

However, these connections are often one-way, and not all users are discoverable due to various limitations.

Many people avoid any contact with these platforms for ideological reasons, and personally, I dislike because it merely provides X feeds. Some Fediverse instances have outright banned all of these services.

Over the years, my faith in interoperability with services not originally built for ActivityPub has diminished - Meta has shown no real progress, and the Bluesky bridge, with its persistent issues, is unlikely to ever work seamlessly.

I believe in the Fediverse and ActivityPub. They are more than sufficient without external integrations.

I wish I could host my own version of BridgyFed that's actually usable instead of this broken "opt-in" crap that was forced onto us by the Fedi Mafia.🙄

If you want to talk to people on Bluesky and they aren't bridged, just make a Bluesky account cause getting someone to bridge across platforms is next to impossible.

Is Bridgy Fed worth it for cross-posting from Mastodon to Bsky?

Most of my posts getting truncated sounds kind of unusable to me. The profile also getting truncated and probably looking a bit sus to Bsky users isn't great either. And people on Bsky apparently don't really use the service much anyway.

It would be cool if it actually worked seamlessly, but I'm not impressed based on my research. Anyone actually had any luck with Bridgy Fed? 😕

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@dangillmor For what it is worth, I think they are working on a fix. There are several open issues relating to the way #Bridgyfed link previews are working (or not working.)

I don't know if #Snarfed has a comment it would make about any planned progress. It is annoying.

GitHubIssues · snarfed/bridgy-fed🌉 A bridge between decentralized social network protocols - Issues · snarfed/bridgy-fed
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- Bluesky's character limit is 300. Mastodon's default is 500. My instance has 10000. So practically all posts get cut off.
- Profile character limit is even less, so profile description gets cut off.
- Bridgy Fed is currently opt-in and is very difficult for Bluesky folks to understand and enable, so only a few actually use it so I can see their posts in Mastodon.
- Some posts that I have I do not want to be seen on Bluesky's side.
- When I don't see the replies it makes me look like a dick that doesn't reply to anyone on the other side. Because people can follow my Mastodon account on Bluesky without bridging their Bluesky accounts to Mastodon.

This frustrates the heck out of me, so better to just disable it.

Well, it looks like #Bookwyrm works with #bridgyfed just fine!

Does anyone have any experiences with successfully connecting #Fediverse apps with _other_ than #Mastodon and Bookwyrm? I tried but failed to connect my #Pixelfed account earlier, so I am curious about any other possibilities.

I am all for using this possibility, if only to show the fine folks at #Bluesky that we have a rich ecosystem of different apps over here. 😉